Post Archives tagged ‘Spider’

       Hobo Spider

The hobo spider (Tegenaria agrestis) is a member of the genus of spiders known colloquially as funnel web spiders, but not to be confused with the Australian funnel-web spider.
Hobo Spider

Hobo Spider

It is one of a small number of spiders in North America whose bites are generally considered to be medically significant. Individuals construct a funnel-shaped structure of silk sheeting and lie in wait at the small end of the funnel for prey insects to blunder onto their webs. Hobo spiders sometimes build their webs in or around human habitations. This species of spider has a reputation for aggressiveness, due to its poor eyesight. They will normally avoid contact with humans unless accidentally crushed or squeezed. The spider's venom is strong enough to cause considerable local pain and, possibly, necrosis. In tough cases, a professional company should be consulted with. Reach out to us for pest control services.

       Domestic House Spider

The key for controlling the domestic house spider is to look for webs and remove them, making sure a treatment is applied into any crack associated with a web to be sure the spider has been killed.
House Spider

House Spider

Steps that should be taken to prevent new spiders from entering include:

Removing or limiting heavy, ground-covering vegetation near the building. Sealing cracks and holes in the building s exterior. Installing tight-fitting screens on all attic and foundation vents. Sealing holes around pipes indoors to prevent spiders from entering the living spaces of the home by following plumbing lines in basements and crawl spaces.

Where numerous spiders are seen, a professional should be consulted to conduct a thorough inspection and recommend possible treatments.